Thursday, March 25, 2010

Starting to Take Shape

We are getting there! The poor guys are working so hard to beat the crazy rain! YES, more rain tomorrow and Monday, its not even April yet!

The kids are so curious. They ask "how do we get into our new basement?" They have come up with a few good ideas.... Blaine thinks Santa will put in a door outside and we will go around back to enter house. Quinton thinks they can climb through the small window from the other basement. I gave Chance the inside secret... he promised not to tell his brothers that the wall from the other basement will be knocked out!! ha Kids CAN be cute sometimes. The boys are really enjoying the project. Blaine walked out yesterday when I was talking to Santa and he greeted him as if he has known him for years. We feel very blessed to have a good relationship with our of now. ha


  1. Looks great lol

    Hello Quinton, Blaine and Chance

  2. This is Kaitlyn! Hi Quinton Blaine and Chance oh and Dana and Zan :) Hope to see yall soon

  3. so exciting. The pictures are OK, but what I enjoy most is reading your comments Dana.
    You are very intertaining.
